

Updated: February 7, 2021

Notes from “A Guest to be a (web)master” by Mariko Kosaka

tags :: R:browsers

  • This talk focuses on the architecture for Chrome

  • Divided into different processes, such as

    • Browser process - handles navigation requests, some UI etc
    • Render process - Handles rendering web content
    • Plugin process - handles external plugins like flash
    • Utility processes, etc
  • Each process can spin up multiple threads

  • Each process talks to others via inter-process communication

  • Service workers make cdecision on what gets cached, what is sent to storage, which requests need to be made etc

    • JS code and is run by the render process

Render Process

  • main thread
  • worker threads
  • compositor thread
  • raster thread

Pipeline of operations in the main thread

  1. Loading and parsing
    • Reads HTML, sends requests for additional assets and scripts with URLs found in the document
    • Results in a DOM tree
    • If a R:js file is found, this thread will pause, get the JS, execute it and then consinue reading HTML (this is why JS is generally tagged at the bottom)
    • You could mess with this sequence by setting resource priority to things
    • After this CSS is read and computed CSS is generated
  2. Layout
    • Where are the linebreaks going to be - this affects sizes of elements and everything positioned after it
    • Creates a Layout Tree (not the same as DOM tree)
    • Layout trees include pseudo content like stuff in the `:before, :hover` selectors
  3. Paint
    • Go throuhg the layout tree an create paint records
  4. Raster
    • Modern browsers use composites - browsers split the elements into layers (much like photoshop), and raster them separately
    • For dynamic pages, all the browser has to do is move layers that have already been rasered, instead of re-rendering entire pages for simple scroll action
    • Uses a Layer Tree for this - hint to the browser with a will-change property

Compositor Thread

  • Takes data from the raster thread and proceeds to display

  • Page is divided into tiles, and each tile is rendered separately using an exclusive Raster Thread

  • Each Raster Thread takes a small piece of the page, turns it into a GPU texture and puts into GPU memory, while keeping a reference in the compositor thread

  • Compositor knows where the viewpoirt is, so it should schedule threads to render tiles within viewport first; creating a Compositor Frame

  • This gets sent to the Browser Process, which adds Browser UI to the frame and sends it to the GPU

  • When scrolling happens, Browser Pricess sends this to compositor thread, which returns a new compositor frame

  • How do event handlers in JS talk to this render system?

    • While compositing, parts of DOM are marked as non-scrollable. When these bits have to be rendered, compositor will pause and ask main thread
    • {passive: true} can be used to prevent compositor from pausing for event handlers