tags :: R:salons
Anton’s syndrome / cortical blindness
- The eyes are fine, but pathways to the visual cortex are damaged/non-existent
- R:time
Helen - I Lost my Body - “Mind is entrenched in the body”
Bruno Arine - physicist - Experience the soul via connecting with someone/something else
- Soulfulness when in the midst of nature - connected to nature
- “soul” as an idea requires you to be less in your head and more connected
- Brazilian ritual - soul, forest church - Santo Daime
- Ayahuasca -
“The platonic rational mind”
- - Paranoiac Cricial Method - Dali
- Appliances as an extension of the brain
- “Medium is the message” but for neurons?
Miles Davis documentary
- Death of his soul when he didn’t pick the instrument
What does CPR for the soul looks like?
- Mental first aid